The 7 Elements of Wellness is a simple, transformative lifestyle routine that combines both personal growth & wellness, dedicated to making you feel better more than you don’t. The 7 Elements are Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Relational, Nutritional, Physical & Financial.

What we found is that we are living these elements, it’s how much attention are we giving them, because where your attention goes your energy flows. When you combine them and they flow together, it’s powerful! We have had amazing feedback from the community, people are losing weight, repairing relationships, overcoming anxiety and depression, they are creating forward momentum in all areas of their life. It’s a journey of self love, a foundation to help you be the best version of yourself to “just be.”

We are dedicated to bringing you the best of the best in each of these elements, so whether you are on the beginning of your wellness journey you’re a seasoned biohacker we can promise you will find value in each and every episode.


Meet the Founders and Hosts of Season 3!

Trish DeMarcus and Laci Wall aka LDUB connected while searching for answers to their unanswered health concerns. Not only did it set them on a path to physical healing they also found the path to personal growth. They wanted to share their knowledge to save others time, money & energy searching for answers. Together they have created this movement of helping others to feel good more than they don’t. Bringing awareness to seven areas, or as they have named them, elements. “What’s your Element?”. Connect with Trish & Laci through their Life Integrated LLC Linktree.


We are so incredibly grateful for Courtney Stull hosting our first two seasons of our 7 Elements of Wellness Podcast!

Courtney is passionate about helping others to Create Wholeness in their lives! She does this through two different types of modalities that facilitate individuals to connect to their Highest Divine Self - where she believes all answers can be found: Emotional Release Work and Soul Regression (QHHT). She is also a certified Holistic Health Coach and Certified Essential Oils Specialist. She enjoys assisting, educating and empowering others in the use of essential oils and other natural solutions to intuitively support whole body wellness. Courtney was so excited to be asked to be a part of the 7 Elements of Wellness podcast and has had so much fun dusting off her roots in broadcast media which was her main line of career over 20 years ago (Things have gone quite digital since then!). She is married to an amazingly patient, handsome and adventurous guy and they are a blended family with 8 kids, three bonus partners, one grand baby girl, a puppy and lots and lots of cats, rabbits, and chickens. You can find her on instagram @createwholeness and on her website:

Listen to our latest podcast episode or re-listen to one of your favorites!

Ep11 - Maggie Alder shares her story

Ep11 - Maggie Alder shares her story

Maggie Alder shares her story of being a busy mom and juggling life while integrating the 7 Elements of Wellness.

After dealing with depression and struggling to get back to herself, in 2019 Maggie found her joy and happiness in dancing.  She realized the power of putting the oxygen mask on herself first. She talks about the experience of being a mom, a wife and running multiple businesses all while integrating her version of the elements. Maggie explains how this lifestyle routine supports her and her self-care. Learning how to be more in tune with herself, she has been an example to her children of how to more mindfully live in their elements.

Maggie has been a major contributor in the LDUB CLUB and the 7 Elements community. She believes that the 7 Elements of Wellness is an evolving and ever loving process and that is important to be kind because you never know what someone is going through.

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Ep10 - Bonus Episode: Craig Goldberg

Ep10 - Bonus Episode: Craig Goldberg

Craig Goldberg is a Certified Vibro Acoustic Therapist who has always been drawn to the concept of sound as a healing benefit for the body, which he later learned also creates overall, balance, harmony and connection for the soul. 

After diving deep into an understanding of overall whole body wellness, after his wife suffered from many mysterious physical symptoms, he began to focus on the modality of sound and light therapy.  He co-Founded In Harmony Interactive, and In Harmony Media which provides Vibro Acoustic therapies in the form of Sound Lounge, Cocoon, and BrainTap experiences.

Craig is a passionate entrepreneur on a quest to improve the human condition and share the benefits of Vibro Acoustic Therapy and Vibration Therapy with the world.

You can learn more about this, and connect with him:


Instagram: @inharmonyinteractive

Facebook: InHarmony Interactive


Have your own Sound Lounge or Cocoon experience at Trinity Wellness in St. George, UT:

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Ep09 - Relational Element: Enneagram Educator Jen Hurst

Ep09 - Relational Element: Enneagram Educator Jen Hurst

Enneagram Educator Jen Hurst teaches people how to use their personality to their advantage.

Jen Hurst is a personality strategist, specializing in the enneagram. The most enjoyable part of her work is observing people as they befriend themselves, sometimes for the very first time in their lives. Helps them understand who they are and does this through the lens of personality and through the enneagram. With that understanding she teaches her clients how to use that knowledge to connect with themselves purposefully to create a more self aware life. She works with individuals, couples, groups, and businesses to help them become better versions of themselves as well be able to elevate interpersonal relationships. 

In this episode Jen shares how her own personal depression and anxiety was improved by her understanding or herself better through the use of the enneagram. She gives an overview of what the enneagram is and how it can help us.

She answers the questions:

How do we have meaningful connecting relationships in our lives and still stay true to who we are?

How do we become so self aware of ourselves that we know where to meet people in order to have healthy relationships, in a space that is honoring of both of us?

She helps people understand that we can only go as deep and intimate with people as we are able to go with ourselves.

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Ep08 - Sherri Aldred & Christa Love share their story.

Ep08 - Sherri Aldred & Christa Love share their story.

Sherri Aldred & Christa Love share how having accountability tremendously impacted their success and growth during the 7 Elements of Wellness Challenge.

Sherri and Christa are both LDUB Club members who did the 7 Elements of Wellness challenge when it was first introduced in Laci Wall’s dance class. 

They share how having accountability with each other, along with community support, was a huge impact to their growth. Christa gives insight into the struggles of letting go of perfection and that there is a certain way to measure success. The mental shift from a “to do” list to a “to be” list changed their perspective and allowed room to give themselves grace, continue to do their very best, and make the checklist their very own. They share how to customize the checklist items for yourself to continue on the path to growth.   

Their biggest piece of advice: Don’t let the 7 Elements of Wellness checklist intimidate you. Flow as many days as you can, then start again, as needed. “The more we learn, and the more we grow, the easier it is to continue to flow.”

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Ep07 - Emotional Element: Body Alignment & Breath Work Coach Errin Andrus

Ep07 - Emotional Element: Body Alignment & Breath Work Coach Errin Andrus

Body Alignment and Breath Work Coach Errin Andrus shows us how to address emotions to allow the body to feel safe to process & heal.

Errin’s main goal is to help others connect to the consciousness inside of their cells. She helps to create the bridge between the emotions and the physical parts of the body through breath work to aide in physical healing. She believes breath work is the key to achieving cellular regeneration and transcendence. In her one on one sessions, Errin teaches her clients to pump their body full of oxygen to be able to raise their consciousness, while also using mantras, illuminations, zodiac signs, and pressure release techniques to achieve other emotional releases.

Not only does her passion lie in regenerating and healing the body, it is also in clean eating and deep cleansing of the body. She will soon be assisting others in parasite cleansing, biome resetting and detoxification practices.

In this episode Errin shares her story where her physical health declined while also experiencing so much sadness and depression. After seeing many doctors that gave her different diagnosis she decided to find her own way to healing. During an intense Rolfing massage session, she recognized that her pain was so deeply rooted in the conditioning of her cells through her belief systems which created her emotions which then in turn, created her physical distress.

Errin quickly realized that she had a choice, through the power of our mind she could create the emotion and energy she chose to send and receive. She teaches us how to bring awareness to the emotions that we are feeling, asking the body it it is ok to feel them, to then be able to process through them for emotional healing.

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Ep06 - Teresa Demille shares her story.

Ep06 - Teresa Demille shares her story.

Teresa Demille shares her story of how keeping promises to herself changed her life.

Teresa has successfully implemented the 7 Elements of Wellness lifestyle routine for over a year now. She has lost 20 lbs and 14 inches through making small shifts, including addressing spiritual & emotional issues that were weighing on her.

She loves this lifestyle routine because it has both the structure of what to do, as well as flexibility to adjust it and make it your own. Embodying the 7 Elements of Wellness was the first time she had ever kept promises to herself and these promises changed her life for the better. It's all about seeing how many days in a row you can flow!

For more detailed information on what the 7 Elements of Wellness lifestyle routine is, please listen to Episode 01.

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Ep05 - Mental Element: Advanced Spiral Practitioner Lori Kinsey

Ep05 - Mental Element: Advanced Spiral Practitioner Lori Kinsey

Advanced Spiral Practitioner Lori Kinsey teaches you how to bring awareness to and break through limiting beliefs to experience radical soul transformation.

Lori holds a powerful, safe energetic space to conduct emotional clearing, healing of the energetic bodies and radical soul transformation.

She is a survivor of domestic abuse and is passionate about serving in that space as well as helping others who are and have suffered from human trafficking. Her goal is to guide others to heal on the soul level from a place of compassion and trust.​

Lori takes a special interest in supporting conscious leaders who desire to design and create their vision. Her gift is the ability to help them dive deep, break through limiting beliefs, while enabling high performers the ability to embody the legacy they are meant to leave in this world.​

She is a connector of souls and brings people together in a safe and judgment-free space. Because of this she founded the unique online community, Red Lotus Life, where students of life from around the globe are inspired by those who share their gifts to impact the world in a positive way. The online community supports and empowers members to create their own tsunami of change.

In this episode Lori helps others break their cultural, religious and generational imprints that infiltrate our DNA and hold us back from living up to our truest, most authentic selves. You will learn a powerful technique to bring your awareness to the root cause of any fear, shame or guilt emotions that arise so you can bring them to the light, see them for what they are and shift them to what serves you.

Lori helps us understand why we don’t fully embrace our gifts and how that can cause anxiety and/or depression. She encourages us to remember that we are a once in a lifetime cosmic event. Feeding that spark within us allows it to turn into a sizable flame that we can continue to fan throughout our lifetime to experience pure joy and fulfillment.

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Ep04 - Suzy McEwan shares her story.

Ep04 - Suzy McEwan shares her story.

Suzy McEwan shares her story of self-love and acceptance to finally be able to heal from past traumas.

Suzy is an active member of the 7 Elements of Wellness & LDUB dance fitness community. After making her healing journey a priority, she realized at 45 years old there was still a critical part missing: self love. Suzy shares how the combination of dance fitness class and the 7 Elements of Wellness checklist created a space for her to heal within. After spending her life trying to please others , Suzy learned that by allowing imperfection, putting herself first, and following the 7 Elements she finally had the tools to cultivate her relationship with herself.

She encourages anyone that is lonely, or wanting support from a community to jump in and be part of the 7 Elements of Wellness FB group to connect with other like minded people.

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Ep03 - Spiritual Element: Soul Mentor Angel Lyn

Ep03 - Spiritual Element: Soul Mentor Angel Lyn

Soul Mentor Angel Lyn shares the easiest way to connect with yourself spiritually.

Angel Lyn is a life coach, public speaker, author and Soul Mentor. She puts her focus on teaching self awareness and providing guidance in individual health & wellness, marital relationships & parenting. She operates from a paradigm of spirituality & consciousness. 

In this episode Angel shares with us her personal journey to discovering her own spirituality by connecting inward and upwards. She discovered the simplest way to come to her own truth through aligning her heart, mind and body to the same frequency and is going to show you how to do the same. Stay until the end as she shares a powerful meditation with you to assist in your own personal alignment. We are looking for peace, happiness and joy and it starts by connecting to your heart space and being in the present moment. Through being her true, authentic self she is able to show up for others from that same space whether it be through parenting or any other relationships. 

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Ep02 - Jason Barton shares his story.

Ep02 - Jason Barton shares his story.

Jason Barton shares his life changing story by following the 7 Elements of Wellness lifestyle routine.

Jason Barton went from a dark place of depression, intense social anxiety, struggling relationships, overweight to finding happiness, true self love, empowerment, improved relationships and even a new hobby that is quickly turning into a profession. He has been one of our longest challengers and his dedication shows!

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Ep01 - How it all began.

Ep01 - How it all began.

How the 7 Elements of Wellness all began & what this lifestyle guide entails.

We are so excited you are here! In our very first episode we share how the 7 Elements of Wellness all began. When it first started we had no idea that it would grow as rapidly and be as transformative in people’s lives as it has become. People are being supported by a community that loves and cares about them, for some it’s their first experience with this. 

This is all about a journey to true self-love. We had spent decades trying to figure our personal health journeys and then during the shut downs we were told to pour more into personal growth than we ever had before. 

We want to share with you how to save time, money, and energy on your own personal growth and wellness journey. It starts with you, it ends with you, are you ready?

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