EP23-Men of Sovereignty Rise Up with Consciousness Coach Christopher John Stubbs.

From Lovers Initiation to learning how to take radical responsibility and be truly sovereign, this episode, consciousness coach Christopher John Stubbs, shares some of the wisdom and tools he has gained with over 20 years dedicated to his own embodiment practices. 

Christopher talks about how there is two main archetypes for men: the toxic macho masculinity or the soft, co-dependent weak man. Chris teaches men in a group that he has named Men of Sovereignty, how they can merge the two and be both. He talks about how men need to become strong, tough, dependable and in integrity; while being present, light, kind, to hold space and lead with big hearts. He speaks to the number one thing to do when you’re feeling triggered and how to not react. He describes how to then return back to you and respond from a place of peace, love and joy.   

Christopher Stubbs has 17 years of coaching experience with deep, profound and lasting client testimonials and results. He has multiple certifications including one from the Hendrix Institute, through a two-year apprenticeship. 

He has studied passionately and avidly for years in; Masculine and Feminine Dynamics, Meditation, Breathwork, Boundaries, Co-Dependency, Psychology, Trauma Healing and Transmutation work.

His unique coaching style guides people to sovereignty, wholeness, and self love. Guiding them through their trauma and pain of their past experiences. He drives them through insecurities, doubts, fears and conditioned programming to a place of wholeness.

Christopher helps others to be of service and to make a lot of money doing what they love, while working minimal hours. Clearing the way for financial freedom, spiritual freedom and time freedom. He loves helping people with business success, however, he believes the root of all success is unconditional love and impeccable integrity. He helps to bring passion and intimacy into their romantic relationships with harmony and flow with their children. Into eternal alignment with expression which fills the void and brings the deepest sense of fulfillment, joy, passion, intimacy, health and vitality.

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Connect with Christopher John Stubbs with the links below:

You Tube Channel  -Divine Love Embodiment Practice

Instagram: @christopherjohnstubbs

Facebook: Christopher John Stubbs

Facebook Group Page: Masculine & Feminine Harmony 



http://www.risesovereign.com -RISE Sovereign (Event) April 14-16, 2023



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